AFA Establishes New Pitsenbarger Full Measure Award

January 30, 2025

The Air & Space Forces Association (AFA) is establishing the A1C William Pitsenbarger Full Measure Award (FMA) as part of our ongoing efforts to support the educational advancement of our enlisted Airmen and Guardians. Beginning in 2026, this award will be given annually to recognize an enlisted member’s dedication to service to our Nation and to further AFA’s mission to educate a technically superior workforce in support of national security.

The A1C William Pitsenbarger Full Measure Award includes a $3,000 educational grant, a three-year E-Membership to AFA (an additional $85 value), and public recognition and acknowledgement at the 2026 Air, Space & Cyber Conference.  

To qualify, applicants have received an installation-level AFA Pitsenbarger Award. In addition, they also must have completed their Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) Associate’s Degree, 12 hours of additional coursework towards a four-year degree, and make a significant contribution to the AFA mission via participation in Chapter or State activities. 

“Since 1946, AFA has recognized education to be the powerful weapon for progress,” said Gary Copsey, AFA Vice Chair of the Board for Education. “This new award links educational achievement to the volunteer efforts to advocate for air and space power and to support Airmen, Guardians, and their Families, in a unique way that recognizes excellence, and honors those who pursue it at work, at school, and as volunteers.” 

AFA’s installation level Pitsenbarger Awards are one-time grants of $750 given to selected enlisted personnel graduating from the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) with plans to pursue baccalaureate degrees. The award is named for A1C William Pitsenbarger, an Air Force Pararescueman who volunteered to stay with wounded Soldiers under heavy mortar and sniper fire rather than return to his rescue helicopter on 11 April 1966. During the ensuing battle, A1C Pitsenbarger saved nine lives before he was killed in battle. He was later granted the United States’s highest military award for his valor—the Medal of Honor. AFA has awarded more than $2.5 million to more than 6,000 Airmen and Guardians since the award’s inception. 

AFA has a long history of educating the enlisted force, commencing with the Utah Project in 1967, an effort to combine Air Force training with civilian institutional coursework that ultimately led to the establishment of the CCAF in 1972. Today, CCAF is the world’s largest multi-campus community college, having issued over 570,000 Associates Degrees. 

“The quality and professionalism of our Enlisted force sets apart the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Space Force from all our adversaries and potential adversaries,” said Bernie Skoch, AFA Chair of the Board. “Encouraging continued educational advancement gives our nation an edge against Great Power Competition.” 

“The A1C William Pitsenbarger Full Measure Award signifies the value AFA sees in advanced education for our Enlisted Force because education will be crucial in this modern era, enabling Airmen and Guardians to answer their nation’s call,” Mark Tarpley, former AFA National Director, further emphasized.

“The Pitsenbarger Award is AFA’s flagship scholarship because it strengthens the military and provides the nation a competitive advantage by investing in the Department of the Air Force’s backbone—the Enlisted Force,” added Gilberto S. Perez, AFA Aerospace Education Council’s (AEC) Scholarship and Grant Committee Lead.

The 2024-2025 scholarship application cycle is now open through April 30. To learn more about the Pitsenbarger and Full Measure award programs, visit

About AFA  

The Air & Space Forces Association is an independent, non-profit 501(c)3 association dedicated to advocating for investment and support for the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Space Force, and for supporting Airmen, Guardians, and their Families. Founded in 1946, AFA is the single largest entity of its kind focused on air and space power. With more than 120,000 members and 200 chapters spread around the world, our mission is to promote dominant U.S. Air and Space Forces as the foundation of a strong National Defense; to honor and support Airmen, Guardians, and their Families; and to remember and respect the enduring heritage of the Air and Space Forces.