Aerospace Education Council Update: October 2023
October 25, 2023 | By Stephen Gourley
In 1948, WWII ace Robin Olds was a Major in the nascent U.S. Air Force. He had wrangled a liaison assignment to the Royal Air Force, assigned to the 1st Fighter Squadron. An accomplished pilot, Olds had flown the P-38, P-51, F-80, F-84, and F-86 for the U.S. He arrived at his new base on a cold, rainy day, and was immediately introduced to the Brits’ new jet fighter, the Meteor. He plunked in the seat, strapped in, and was given cursory instruction on the controls—“Off you go.” He knew nothing of the base, its location, procedures, or any of the myriad details usually entailed in a fighter sortie, let alone in an unfamiliar “kite.” What he desperately wanted was … EDUCATION! (You knew I’d get around to that, didn’t you?!)
Let me introduce Mr. Burnett “Chip” Deyerle. Chip, formerly of the Palm Springs and Mile High Chapters, recently resurrected our chapter in Sioux City, S.D., leveraging the AFA relationship with Civil Air Patrol and our education programs. He has joined your Education Council to share his experiences with an eye toward giving you yet another tool to engage the local community and further our mission. More to follow.
Education is the key to success in any endeavor. It starts early, never stops, and is an easy way to reinvigorate your chapter’s engagement. By the way, Olds did survive that first Meteor flight, and went on to an illustrious 30-year career. Now, it’s your turn to go forth and do good things!
Stephen K. Gourley
Vice Chair of the Board, Education
Calendar Items:
- Dec. 15: Educator Grant applications close
- Mar. 31, 2024: CAP’s Aerospace Connections in Education (ACE) registration closes
Arnold Air Society/Silver Wings Region Conclaves
Get your AFA Chapter or Region involved with an AAS/SW Region Conclave near you!
- RCON I, Warren County, NY: Nov. 3-4, Northeast Region
- RCON II, University of Maryland: Nov. 10-11, Central East Region
- RCON III, Greensboro, NC: Oct. 27-28, Southeast Region
- RCON IV, Orlando: Dates TBD, Fla.
- RCON V, Starkville, MS: Oct. 20-21, South Central Region
- RCON VI, Lafayette, IN: Dates TBD, Great Lakes Region
- RCON VII, Champaign, IL: Nov. 3-4, Midwest Region
- RCON VIII, Manhattan, KS: Nov. 3-4, Midwest Region
- RCON IX, University of OK: Nov. 17-18, Texoma Region
- RCON X, Arizona: Oct. 27-28, Southwest Region
- RCON XI, San Diego, CA: Mar. 29-Apr. 2, 2024, Calif.