Give to AFA

Your investment will help support programs and services for the entire Air and Space Forces family. Make your tax deductible gift online today or make your check payable to:

Air & Space Forces Association
ATTN: Development
1201 S. Joyce St., C6
Arlington, VA 22202

Matching Gifts

Many corporations will match their employees’ gifts to charitable organizations, effectively doubling or tripling your charitable contribution. Please check with your personnel office and follow directions to initiate a match.

Combined Federal Campaign

Federal employees and retirees represent a strong, caring community through the CFC, dedicated to making a difference for those in need. Overseen by the Office of Personnel Management, the CFC offers the federal community the opportunity to donate to thousands of participating charities.

With donations from people like you, we can continue to fulfill our mission to educate the public about the critical role of aerospace power in the defense of our nation; to advocate aerospace power and a strong national defense; and to support the U.S. Air and Space Forces, and their families! Designate your Combined Federal Campaign donations to the Air & Space Forces Association (CFC #12214) Today!

Stock and Other Appreciated Securities

The IRS allows one of its most significant tax breaks for gifts of appreciated securities. In most cases, the full market value of the securities is deductible while capital gains taxes are eliminated.

Retirement Plans

The balance of your retirement plan may be worth more when donated. If you own a life insurance plan, you can name the Air & Space Forces Association as the beneficiary of the policy.

Life Insurance

If you own a life insurance policy and you no longer need to protect your loved ones or business interests, you can name the Air & Space Forces Association as the beneficiary of the policy.

A second option is transferring ownership of the policy to the Air & Space Forces Association in your lifetime.

A third option is to purchase a new policy specifically for gifting. Life insurance rates have declined dramatically in recent years, and you may be surprised at the affordability of new insurance, even if you’re in your 60s or 70s. Benefits include:

  • Ability to make a large gift with little costs to you
  • Immediate tax deduction for the cash value of the policy if transferred in your lifetime
  • Current or future insurance premiums may be tax deductible
  • Life insurance can be a very cost-effective means to support AFA


AFA now accepts donations made in cryptocurrency! Click to learn more about cryptocurrency donations.