CyberGenerations Pilot Completed
July 11, 2019
July 11, 2019
CyberGenerations Pilot Completed

Air Force Association’s Swamp Fox Chapter in Sumter, SC, participated in AFA’s CyberGenerations pilot program, training approximately 135 senior citizens on the importance of cybersecurity knowledge.
Swamp Fox Chapter Vice President of Communications CMSgt. (Ret.) Cheryl R. Moye coordinated the five, hour-long free senior citizen cyber safety initiative with Sumter Senior Services as one of five test locations.
Workshops were conducted by a team of experts: Lt. Rachel Sax, who is on active duty stationed at Shaw Air Force Base and the Pilot Instructor; Swamp Fox Chapter President Col. (Ret.) David “Bush” Hanson; and SMSgt. (Ret.) James (Jim) Crawford.
“I knew Sumter Senior Services and our AFA chapter would partner perfectly to bring about vital awareness to our #TeamSumter Seniors,” said Chief Moye, who is also on the Sumter Senior Services Board of Directors. “Our AFA chapter worked as a cohesive team and ensured the CyberGenerations pilot was a phenomenally rewarding success. Upon the conclusion of the pilot, we recruited more Cybergenerations team members and are working on a 2020 plan for on-going community sessions.”
The CyberGenerations program covers basic topics and provides resources to help seniors identify potential cyberattacks and scams directed at them or their loved ones. It includes topic overviews, tips and tricks for safeguarding against cyber threats, and channels for addressing cybersecurity issues or breaches.
Senior citizens, senior citizen groups, and others interested in learning more about CyberGenerations are invited to visit AFA’s CyberPatriot website or to contact the CyberPatriot Program Office by email ( or by telephone at 877-885-5716.