Happy 75th Birthday, Air Force!
September 18, 2022
Happy 75th Birthday, Air Force!

Happy Birthday to our U.S. Air Force!
For 75 years America’s Department of the Air Force has been the most effective, most innovative, and most lethal, indispensable component of America’s military might.
Join me in celebrating that fact today. It is up to all of us to help tell and share the story of our Air & Space Forces, not just among ourselves, but with those who do not know all the good Airmen & Guardians do for our nation and our allies.
Our Air Force comes in peace. It delivers hope. It supports freedom. It deters war. And when it’s absolutely necessary, it fights to win like no other force on Earth.
In the years since President Truman signed legislation establishing the Air Force as an independent and equal branch of the armed forces, much in the world and our Air Force has changed. We have witnessed the demise of the Cold War, the rise of stealthy combat aircraft and integrated air, space, and cyber precision targeting, the invention and joint warfighting integration of remotely piloted aircraft, modernized nuclear deterrence, and so much more. But if anything is constant over this entire era, it is the dedication and commitment of USAF Airmen—and now Space Force Guardians, as well—to meet every challenge, respond to every crisis, and embody all that is good in our nation.
Here’s to the next 75 years!
Lt. Gen. Bruce Wright, USAF (Ret.)
AFA President