Scott Van Cleef Chapter Supports Professional Development
November 29, 2023
AFA’s Scott Van Cleef (SVC) Chapter #285 (formerly the Roanoke Chapter) in Virginia met with the Civil Air Patrol, Arnold Air Society, and AFROTC Cadets in October and November, providing opportunities for professional development during their quarterly chapter dinner and educating them on how their local AFA Chapter can help them support their organizational missions.
AFA Chapter leaders attended the Awards Night of the Lynchburg Composite Squadron of the CAP on Oct. 2. Afterwards, they met with CAP leadership and discussed ways their Chapter can support the CAP unit in the future.
On Oct. 7, Gen. John W. “Jay” Raymond, former Chief of Space Operations, gave an enlightening and informative presentation to 176 attendees, mostly members of the Virginia Military Institute’s AFROTC Det 880, about the early days of the U.S. Space Force and the present and future challenges the service must be ready for to secure our nation. The VMI John P. Jumper Arnold Air Society Squadron co-hosted the dinner with AFA’s SVC Chapter and provided an opportunity to plan and organize a large event with a high-level guest speaker.
On Nov. 1, the SVC Chapter met with 13 Liberty University Arnold Air Society Squadron members and presented an overview of how AFA can support them with their local events, projects, and support to attend regional and national conventions. The chapter is looking forward to increasing their support for all Arnold Air and Civil Air Patrol units in their chapter in the upcoming years.