2025 AFA Warfare Symposium | FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions


  1. What does it cost to attend the AFA Warfare Symposium in person and what does the registration fee include? 
    Registration prices can be found on the “Symposium Rates” tab of registration. Symposium registration includes in-person sessions; March 3, Polaris Reception; in-person exhibit hall access during open hours and virtual access to symposium sessions through our virtual platform until March 28. Regarding virtual access: Main sessions will be streamed during the day; all sessions will then be archived as on-demand recordings within one business day of airing. All sessions will be available to view exclusively through the virtual platform through March 28, 2025. PLEASE NOTE:  AFA Warfare Symposium does not offer credits or certificates of completion.

    Please Note: A favorable opinion by the SAF Ethics Office has allowed us to waive conference fees for a class consisting of all U.S. DoD civilian employees and uniformed military personnel. The term “uniformed military personnel” is defined as Active, Guard, and Reserve members of the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Space Force, U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, and U.S. Coast Guard, including Academy and ROTC cadets. 
  2. Is there a virtual-only option to participate in the AFA Warfare Symposium?
    Yes, registrants have the option to only participate virtually. Registration includes virtual access to symposium sessions. Main sessions will be streamed during the day; all sessions will then be archived as on-demand recordings within one business day of airing. All sessions will be available to view exclusively through the virtual platform through March 28, 2025.
  3. Who has access to the Virtual Platform? What level of access does each badge type have? 
    Symposium Attendees and Media badges will have ‘full’ access to the Virtual Platform. Exhibitor badges and exposition only badges will have ‘partial’ access to the Virtual Platform. Partial access does NOT include in-person or virtual access to conference sessions.

    Full access can view all pages on the Virtual Platform to include: Live Stream, Home Page, Welcome Page, Navigating AFA Warfare Symposium, Attendee Guide, Agenda, On-Demand Page, Speaker List, Polaris Recipient List, Awards Recipient List, Partners, Exhibitors, About AFA Page, Networking Section, Chat, Social Feed, Follow Us!, Donors, Notes, and Help Desk.

    Partial access can view the following pages on the Virtual Platform: Home Page, Welcome Page, Navigating AFA Warfare Symposium, Attendee Guide, Polaris Recipient List, Partners, Exhibitors, About AFA Page, Networking Section, Chat, Social Feed, Follow Us! Donors, Notes, and Help Desk. NOT Able to View: Live Stream, Agenda, On-Demand Page, and Speaker List.
  4. Is there anything I need to know about connecting to the virtual platform?
    Registrants will only be able to log in on one device at a time. No software or applications need to be downloaded to access the virtual platform; however, it is highly recommended that you whitelist www.2025-afa-warfare.us.chime.live to alleviate any security connection issues. It is recommended that participants use current versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or Safari to view AFA Warfare Symposium. Additionally, it is recommended participants do not connect via a VPN. The entire platform is mobile-friendly, so you can watch on the go from your phone or tablet.
  5. Where do I find login information for AFA Warfare Symposium’s virtual platform?
    Starting the morning (EST) of 2/28, login instructions for virtual content will be sent to the registrant’s email provided during registration from our service provider. PLEASE NOTE: ONLY the primary email address on your registration record will receive the email with login instructions, a unique password, and the link to AFA Warfare Symposium’s virtual content. Any alternate email address on record will receive all other email communication with the exception of the platform login instructions. Please make sure to add www.2025-afa-warfare.us.chime.live to your “Safe Sender” list (not spam) in your email account. 

If you need help accessing the virtual platform starting 2/28, please email supportcenter-CHIME@encore-us.zendesk.com with specific details regarding the issue. For technical help once you are already logged in to the platform, please look for Help Desk on the left-hand menu options.

  1. Can I add an additional person to my symposium registration?
    Yes, you can add a person to your registration if they meet the following criteria. Please note the following criteria do not apply to group exhibitor registrations: “Add a Person” is provided as a courtesy to our registrants to allow spouses and “significant others” to participate in the Symposium and ancillary events to the same degree and at the same per-person price as the registrant. As such, it may be used only for spouses or bona fide “significant others.” It may not be applied to registration for a co-worker, colleague, friend, or family member other than a spouse.
  2. What does it cost to cancel?
    Registration changes or cancellations can be made online through February 28, 2025. Cancellations through February 28, 2025, will receive a full refund less a $25 processing fee, plus any membership fees and/or donations. No refunds will be issued for changes and cancellations starting March 1, 2025. No refunds will be issued if you are unable to attend the event due to personal illness or travel delays (to include flight interruptions/cancellations).

    If you are not able to attend in-person once the cancellation deadline has passed, please request that your registration be updated to virtual only before cancelling your registration. A refund for the difference in rates from in-person to virtual will be approved, if requested. Starting March 1st, please send cancellations and/or changes by email to AWSHelp@afa.org. This policy does not apply to exhibit booth sales. Please refer to the application / contract form for the exhibit booth cancellation policy.
  3. What does it cost to attend ONLY the Technology Exposition?
    There is no charge to attend the Technology Exposition during exhibit hall hours. You may pre-register online. Employees of exhibiting companies, please answer ‘yes’ to the ‘Are you an Exhibitor?’ question to register for your exhibitor badge instead of registering for the Technology Exposition. 
  4. Are minor children allowed to attend the Symposium, Technology Exposition, Polaris Reception, and/or Rock the Rockies Reception? 
    Children under 16 will not be permitted to attend the Technology Exposition, Polaris Reception, or Rock the Rockies Reception. Children aged 16 and over may attend the Technology Exposition provided they are accompanied by an adult. No one under the age of 18 is permitted in the exhibit halls during installation or dismantling hours. 
  5. Where do I pick up my badge/tickets?
    Badges and tickets may be picked up from the AFA Registration Desk at the Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center beginning at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 2. Please be prepared to show valid identification: Driver’s license, Military ID, U.S. Government ID, or Passport. AFA Registration will be located at the Valley Foyer located straight ahead as you enter the Convention Center.
  6. What are the registration hours?
    Sunday, March 2: 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm
    Monday, March 3: 8:00 am – 6:30 pm / Polaris Reception 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm (Exhibit Hall –  included with symposium registration. If not attending symposium, individual ticket required.))
    Tuesday, March 4: 7:00 am – 5:30 pm
    Wednesday, March 5: 7:00 am to 4:30 pm / Rock the Rockies Reception 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm (Individual ticket required.)
  1. What is the Polaris Reception?
    The Polaris Reception, located in the exhibit hall, is an opportunity to celebrate the most prestigious awards given out by our United States Space Force. Join us as we open the Technology Exposition and network with the award winners, other attendees, and esteemed exhibitors.  Tickets are included with your symposium registration.
  2. What is the Rock the Rockies Reception?
    This informal event on Wednesday evening will provide a networking opportunity among military, academia, retired military, and defense industry.
  3. How much does it cost to purchase an individual ticket or group package for the Rock the Rockies Reception?
    The cost for an individual ticket to the Rock the Rockies Reception is $265. Group packages can also be purchased through registration for 17 people at $3,850. Ten of the tickets will be kept by the organization; the seven remaining tickets will be returned to AFA to support U.S. military and DoD guests. If you are interested in amplifying your visibility at the Rock the Rockies Reception through larger-scale high-visibility sponsorships, please contact Christy Sitter at csitter@afa.org for further information regarding options.

    For U.S. military and DoD guests, tickets will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Once the allotment of guest tickets has been depleted, DoD registrants will have the opportunity to purchase a ticket at a price of $215.
  4. Do I have to be a member of AFA or the military to attend?
    No. If you are not a member of AFA and/or not currently serving Active-duty military or reserves, or a current Department of Defense civil service employee, please choose the Non-Member category when registering.
  5. How can I communicate any special Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or dietary needs? 
    There are two separate questions during the registration process to address any special ADA or dietary needs.
  6. When is online registration closed?
    Online registration is open throughout the event. We will only be down for a short time while we set up on-site. If at any time our registration website message states we are down for maintenance, please check back as we will be back up again soon. As always you will also have the option of registering on-site. 

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  1. What is the dress code for the Warfare Symposium and Technology Exposition? 
    The attire for the Polaris Reception, Symposium, and Technology Exposition is business casual for civilians and UOD/OCPs/Flight Suits for the military, including speakers and moderators. The attire for Wednesday evening’s Rock the Rockies Reception event is casual. (Casual attire for men: nice slacks/jeans, polo shirts, button-down shirts, nice shoes. Casual attire for women: nice pants/jeans, skirts, polo shirts, nice blouse or top, casual dress, nice shoes.) 

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  1. Will the Warfare Symposium schedule be the same as in previous years?
    The full detailed symposium agenda can be found here. The Polaris Reception in the Exhibit Hall will take place on Monday, March 3 from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm. On Wednesday, March 5, AFA will hold the Rock the Rockies Reception beginning at 5:00 p.m.

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  1. How do you get from the Denver International Airport (DIA) to the Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center?
    Shared ride services, taxis, Uber, and Lyft are recommended. A one-way fare can cost $36 depending on service and traffic conditions.

    For driving directions, visit the Gaylord Rockies website.
  2. Will there be a shuttle to/from Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center?
    Please check back for updates on any available shuttles to include scheduled locations and times. Taxis and ride-share services (Uber, Lyft) are available. The estimated taxi fare is $36 USD one way.
  3. How much does it cost to park at Gaylord Rockies?
    Self-parking at Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center is very limited and available on a first-come first-served basis.  Discounted rates for AFA attendees is $21 per day for self-parking and valet parking is $48 per day.

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  1. I am interested in being an exhibitor at the AFA Warfare Symposium.
    Please contact Ron Bates at 703-683-8500 ext. 230 or ron.bates@ntpevents.com.
  2. I am already an exhibitor, where can I get more details?
    Please visit this page.
  3. When is the exhibit hall open to the public?
    Monday, March 3rd – 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm / (Polaris Reception, 5:30 pm- 7:00 pm – Included with symposium registration. If not attending symposium, individual ticket required.) 
    Tuesday, March 4th – 9:00 am – 4:30 pm 
    Wednesday, March 5th – 8:40 am – 4:00pm
  4. Will lunch be served in the exhibit hall?
    Lunch will not be offered in the exhibit hall this year due to tremendous growth in attendance over the past few years. However, AFA Warfare Symposium attendees will receive 10% off full-service restaurant purchases with your show badge at Gaylord Rockies for all three days of the symposium.

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  1. I am interested in being a sponsor during the Warfare Symposium.
    Please contact Christy Sitter, Director of Sales, at 703-247-5837 or csitter@afa.org.  
  2. What else do I need to know?
    Send your questions to AWSHelp@afa.org. That helps us improve this FAQ page.

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