Training Modules

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 take the Survey.

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AFA 101 for RPs & SPs | Slides  (NEW)

Field Leader Portal – Introduction

Rosters – Membership 

Rosters – Field Leader 

FOG – Introduction (NEW)

OPM – Introduction (NEW)

Tax Exempt Responsibilities (NEW)

501(C)(3) Benefits | State Links (NEW)

State Semi-Annual Activity Reports (NEW)

State Semi-Annual Financial Reports (NEW)

Chapter Semi-Annual Activity Reports (NEW)

Chapter Semi-Annual Financial Reports (NEW)

Chapter Annual Activity Plans

Chapter Annual Financial Plans (NEW)

State Annual Activity Plans (NEW)

State Annual Financial Plans (NEW)

Checklist for Starting a New Chapter

Restarting an Inactive Chapter | Checklist


Effective Newsletters (NEW)

Facebook for Chapters (NEW)

Zoom Training – Participant (PCs & Laptops)

Zoom Training – Hosting (PCs & Laptops)

Teams Meeting – Participant

How to Use Mail Merge

AFA E-Mail: Forwarding

AFA E-Mail: Finding Your Account & Logging In 

AFA E-Mail: Create a Shortcut


Leadership Planning (NEW) | Checklist

Leadership Recruiting (NEW) | Checklist

Leadership Retention (NEW) | Checklist

Recruiting New Members – Part 1 | Checklist

Recruiting New Members – Part 2 

Recruiting New Members – Part 3 

Recruiting New Members – Part 4 

Retaining Chapter Members  (NEW) | Checklist

How to Identify Newly Arrived or Departed Chapter Members (NEW)

Newly-Arrived Members Guide | Newly-Departed Members Guide


Advocacy Introduction

Advocacy for Chapters (NEW)

Advocacy for Federal Legislation (NEW)

Advocacy/Tax-exempt Ethics | Gift Rules (NEW)

Congressional Contact Database  (NEW)

Daily Report Script & Link (NEW)


Military & Family Programs (NEW)

Building Base/ Chapter Relations (NEW)

Community Partner Program

Community Partner Recruiting

Community Partner Retention

Chapter Relationships with AFROTC, AAS/SW, AFJROTC and CAP (NEW)

Chapter VP for Education (NEW)


AFA Organization – Introduction

AFA Organization – Chapter (Basics)

AFA Organization – Chapter (Elected Officers)

AFA Organization – Chapter (Appointed Officers) 

AFA Organization – State (Introduction) 

AFA Organization – State (Elected Officers) (NEW)

AFA Organization – State (Appointed Officers)

AFA Organization – Region (NEW)

AFA Organization – Board of Directors (NEW)

AFA Organization – President & National (NEW)