M2M Ride Growth Continues, Raises Funds for AFA’s Wounded Airmen and Guardians Program
October 1, 2024 | By Joe Peel
For the third year in a row, the Air Force Cycling Team converged at the Wright Brothers Memorial in Kitty Hawk, N.C., to begin a four-day, 340-mile bike ride to the Air Force Memorial in Arlington, Va. This year, 225 riders set off on the Memorial to Memorial (M2M) ride Sept. 12-15, raising more than $40,000 for AFA’s Wounded Airmen and Guardians Program.
The event was conceived by former Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen. David L. Goldfein, USAF (Ret.) and Brig. Gen. Robert “Surf” Beletic, USAF (Ret.) with the goal of celebrating Air Force heritage, promoting fitness and recruiting, and supporting our Wounded Airmen and Guardians. Reflecting the true feeling of teamwork that embodies the event, both Beletic and Goldfein don’t just organize the ride, they undertake the entire journey too.
With nearly 100 more riders and twice the funds raised over last year, the ride has grown primarily through word of mouth, Beletic said. Many of the riders indicated they were convinced to join this year after a friend or colleague had done so last year. And though each rider made the journey in support of AFA’s Wounded Airmen and Guardians Program, many also had personal motivations. For some, it was an opportunity to test themselves in a physical challenge. Others came in honor or support of a wounded Airman they personally knew. Many joined as a means of reconnecting with the Air Force after retiring.
Still for others, the sense of duty was self-evident. Paula Roy, formerly AFA’s Director of Airmen and Family Programs, said she has supported the event every year since its inception “for the cause and for the Air Force family, to support the needs and funds for those that have given so much of themselves.”
While the riders’ motivations were as unique as the individuals themselves, one consistent theme cut across the entire peloton: fun! Not surprisingly, most riders were already cycling enthusiasts, so the chance to bike for hours at a time through serene landscapes while connecting with other Airmen and Guardians was too great to pass up. Even after coming into a rest stop 91 miles into a 106-mile route with heads covered in sweat, the smiles on their faces were eclipsed only by the determination to push through the last 15 miles of the day.
The entire event is marked with camaraderie, support, and enthusiasm, even from spectators. Motorists and other cyclists cheered or gave a fist pump to the riders as soon as they saw their Air or Space Force insignia on their kits. By the end of the journey, the riders that had arrived in North Carolina individually or with acquaintances had made new connections, often just by striking up a conversation with the rider next to them on the trail.
This year, AFA sponsored two wounded Airmen from the Air Force Wounded Warrior (AFW2) program to participate in the ride: Senior Master Sgt. Nikki Favuzza and Master Sgt. Chris Jachimiec, USAF (Ret.). They shared their stories with their fellow riders and supporters along the journey, both to inspire everyone to push to the last mile and to remember that amid all the fun is a great cause they are supporting.
Ride With Us
The M2M ride has grown steadily each year, both in ridership and funds raised, with no sign of stopping now. If you’re interested in joining the community, visit https://afcycling.com/m2m-ride/.
If you’d like to support Air & Space Forces Wounded Warriors like Nikki Favuzza and Chris Jachimiec, make a donation by scanning the QR code.